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Selectmen's Minutes 08/27/2007


August 27, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W. White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Fred Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  Betty Ramspott, Carolyn Stoddard, Anne Nilsen, Sue Gottling, Tony Bergeron, Rodger Landry and Betsy Katz.

Chairman Emma Smith opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.


A.  Anne Nilsen asked if the Board knew what was going on with the Sullivan County MRF?   Stephen White responded that he was Sunapee’s representative to the UVLSRPC and that the commission has been discussing the MRF.  The commission feels that the County is going ahead with the MRF.  It is not a done deal.    S. White reported that on September 25th at the Richards Library in Newport, the County Manager would make a presentation on the MRF.  The meeting is planned to run from 6 PM to 7:30 PM.  

B.  William Roach asked to step off of the Board and speak as a citizen.  W. Roach stated that he wanted to express his appreciation for the fast and qualified service he received when an emergency services phone call was made for him at his house.  He also wished to thank his many neighbors, friends, and police department personnel for periodically checking in on him to make sure he was comfortable and had all he needed.  


A.      Swearing in of Board of Selectmen members to various committees:

Town Clerk Betty Ramspott took the oaths of the Selectmen to be representatives on the following committees:

Richard Leone           - Crowther Chapel Committee
Emma Smith              - Planning Board
Fred Gallup             - Alternate to Planning Board
William Roach   - ESCAPE Committee
Fred Gallup             - Joint Loss Management Committee
Stephen White           - UVLSRPC

Board of Selectmen
August 27, 2007

Stephen White           - Alternative Waste Facilities Committee
William Roach   - Old Town Hall Committee

B.      Town Clerk/Tax Collector Betty Ramspott

Betty Ramspott informed the Selectmen that she and her Deputy, Melissa Heino, will be attending a conference at the Red Jacket Inn from Wednesday noon to Friday.  She explained that many issues will be addressed at the conference, one being the election laws. While at the conference, B. Ramspott explained that she and her deputy would be attending different discussion groups so that they may fill each other in on the new rules and regulations. Their office will be open on Saturday, September 8th to accommodate those who did not receive their service while they were attending the conference.

C.      Ramspott further explained that the Municipal Records Board, Concord, NH, visited her office.  They discussed the preservation of vital records.  Sunapee was fortunate to receive a grant to assist with preservation.  The old safe presently used will be replaced with a cabinet from the State of NH.  Records from 1938 to 2001 will be placed in acid free file boxes.  Meters will be in place to measure humidity in the air.  Presently the humidity is 60% in the present storage closet.  This will be corrected with the boxes.  A burglar alarm also needs to be put in place.  Brown’s River will come in to microfilm the town’s records.  With regard to the grant for the preservation of records, the Board will need to accept this.  B. Ramspott will provide a collar amount to accept before the action needs to be taken.

D.      Tony Bergeron – Treatment Plant and Old Town Hall Committee

Tony Bergeron reported that the Hazardous Waste Day held on August 18th was successful.  The towns of Sunapee, New London, Springfield, Newbury and Goshen attended.  There were 241 cars that arrived representing 401 households at the facility.  T. Bergeron reported that Clean Harbors ran the program and stated that it was one of the best set-ups and most efficiently run as they have seen.  T. Bergeron credited Tom Bennett, who operates the Transfer Station.

Donna Nashawaty reported that the towns of Sunapee, New London and Newbury are discussing running a second hazardous waste day together for their communities.  

With regard to the Old Town Hall Committee, Tony Bergeron addressed the Board of Selectmen as the representative authorized to speak for the Old Town Hall Committee with their recommendations.  
1.      Old Town Hall be saved and restored.

Board of Selectmen
August 27, 2007

2.      That the OTHC recommend that a warrant article be placed in the 2008 warrant and funded with the money not spent because of being awarded the grant that was approved by the voters in the 2007 warrant article supporting the charrette.  
3.      The Old Town Hall committee supports the Harbor Loop Plan concept as stated in the PlanNH charrette, and recommends to the Select Board that they take steps to implement the plan through appropriate town departments and committees
4.      To seek the permission of the Selectmen to get the building on either the State and/or Federal historical records.  This would provide the committee the opportunity to seek grants for preservation
5.      To request to the Select Board’s permission to allow the OTH committee to explore private/public partnership possibilities for the building.  

Stephen White stated that he was impressed by the Charrette and the amount accomplished within a short three-day period.  

Donna Nashawaty stated that perhaps Clean Air Grant funding might  be possible.

T. Bergeron was asked to define the pedestrian areas for traffic ad put forth a proposal to the Board of Selectmen for consideration.

Richard Leone raised discussion on building a new structure on the site and saving the clock tower and horse stalls.  T. Bergeron stated that he believed replacing the structure would be more costly than preservation.    Stephen White offered that the Board gives the Old Town Hall Committee full leave to investigate funding for presentation to the Board of Selectmen and towns people.  

Fred Gallup expressed concern that the town would be putting a lot of money into a building if the building wouldn’t be put to a good use.  He stated that there also needs to be funds put aside for maintenance of the building.  He would like to be assured that the restoration of the building would be a financial asset.  

Motion was made (White/Roach) that the Selectmen give the Old Town Hall Committee authority to look into funding from the State and Federal programs or other sources and return to the Board with a recommendation.  Emma Smith asked that the Old Town Hall Committee come before the Selectmen if they need a letter of support.  

Roger Landry suggested that outside investors be asked for assistance.  This could be done by leasing the building without cost to the Town.
A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Board of Selectmen
August 27, 2007

Anne Nilsen asked what was the result of the article that passed for $35,000 for the old town hall should the Charrette grant not be received and could this still be spent.   Donna Nashawaty explained that those funds would not be spent as stipulated in the article.  The town may need to request funding in 2008.  

Tony Bergeron reported that the bridge to the treatment plant needs repairs.  The DOT inspected the bridge culvert.  The culvert was installed in 1972.  DOT informed him that
the bridge and road need to be closed.  T. Bergeron has inspected the culvert/bridge and noted that there were numerous places where the culvert was torn.   He would like to request Federal monies for the replacement and requested the Selectmen’s permission to write a letter to the State asking to be put on a list for funding.  The total cost is not finalized.  In the mean time, T. Bergeron recommends that a timber deck bridge be put in place and asked the Board’s permission to do this.  Donna Nashawaty stated that a warrant article would be needed to accept funding for replacement of the bridge.  The Board approved the deck bridge for use.  

Tony Bergeron informed the Board that a transmission was lost in one of his trucks.  He will be replacing this at a cost of $6,500 to $7,000.

Tony Bergeron informed the Board that 2 months ago he was approached by the Town of Newport with regard to a program on volunteer recycling.  He will keep the Board up to date on any communications with regard to this.  

E.      Roger Landry – Junk Yards

Roger Landry reported to the Board with regard to complaints of junk yards within the town.  The only legal yard now is the one owned by George Smith.  This yard was in existence prior to 1965.  The license has now expires and is not transferable.  R. Landry reported on a complaint of a yard on Penacook Path.  He read from a definition of junk yards, RSA 236:1-12.  A copy is attached to the file copy of the minutes.  The yard on Penacook Path has 8 cars of which 5 are registered.  R. Landry was advised by Town Counsel that he could not enter the property without authority by the owner.  He asked the Board of advisement on what he should do.  He suggested that circumstances allow him to write a letter to the complainant that the laws of the state should be enforced by the state.  The town does not have the personnel or funding to enforce state laws.   Donna Nashawaty and Roger Landry will work on a reply to the complaintent.  


Motion was made (White/Leone) to approve the minutes of the August 13th meeting.  The motion carried with William Roach abstaining.  The minutes of the July 31st meeting will be presented for approval at the next meeting of the Board.

Board of Selectmen
August 27, 2007

A.      Permit for Conservation Committee

The Conservation Commission has submitted a sign permit for the path through Dewey woods and is requesting that the fee be waived.  Motion was made (Gallup/White) that
the Selectmen waive the sign permit fee.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

Chairman Emma Smith spoke on the progress of the Master Plan.


Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with the MS1 – Report of Valuation – for the Selectmen’s signature.  

D. Nashawaty would like to begin meetings with department heads regarding budget requests for 2008.  Discussion was held on the need for 2 more members of the Budget Advisory Committee.  D. Nashawaty suggested a budget marathon to run on a Saturday morning with all department heads and committees.  She will work on this and report back to the Board.

With regard to the Coalition Committee, D. Nashawaty reported that a meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 11th in Concord. She has not received information on the time and place as yet.  

Donna Nashawaty reported that a Car Safety Program will be held for all town employees driving town vehicles in November.
Donna Nashawaty reported that the new part time payroll clerk, Mary Richardson, started last Thursday.  Her hours are 8 am to 5 pm, Thursday and Friday each week.  
Donna Nashawaty reported that the bid packet for the Granliden water line was due to be opened on September 14th.  The line will be installed along the road.

Representative Sue Gottling reported on activities in Concord. .  She expressed her concern on the countywide MRF.  

Board of Selectmen
August 27, 2007

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved___________________

_____________________________                   ___________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                     Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_____________________________                   ____________________________
William Roach                                                Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup